A summer day in Tisvilde

Anya Jensen29th July 2016

I have been a photographer for as long as remember, and I absolutely adore visual art and the way you can express yourself visually. Lately, though, I have found another passion of expression, and that is in small films. I have attended a filmmaking course, and have learnt so much, and also been lucky enough to be at the start of finding my own identity as a visual artist.

I absolutely love making these little films and have many to share with you. Today I will begin with a small movie I made one day we visited Tisvilde – a stunning beach town, North of Copenhagen. The landscape there is wild, free and the epitome of Danish summers. This film reminds me of my own childhood, that was spent roaming around – bare feet, sunshine in my hair, salty flavours in the air, and feeling utterly happy, carefree and content.

Hope you enjoy my little film A summer day in Tisvilde:


Comments (6)

  • Zarah

    8th August 2016 at 09:38

    I am crazy about those little house – look like stripey pajamas 😉
    Havce a great day


    1. Anya J

      8th August 2016 at 16:31

      Ha ha – yes I guess they do resemble pyjamas a bit – I adore them, they are soo cute.

  • Shayla

    30th July 2016 at 06:25

    Absolutely LOVE it – what a stunning place

    1. Anya J

      8th August 2016 at 16:32

      Thanks Shayla – I love them too – the area is stunning.

  • Michelle Knight

    29th July 2016 at 14:32

    Finding our own identity as visual artist is not an easy task! It is harder than it sounds… Lovely film. What camera & lens did you use?

    1. Anya J

      8th August 2016 at 16:33

      Hi Michelle,

      At the moment I use my iPhone (6S) – and my Canon camera with my 50 MM 1.4 lens or my 16 – 300 zoom lens.
      And yes finding your feet in any art form is a task – but at the moment I am truly enjoying the ride 🙂

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